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Images From McCormick Mill Outing of 3/25/23

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Chuck Almarez:

A shot of the Limestone rocks near the parking area. Had the iPhone on the ground and tilted up to catch the sky. Use the ultra-wide lens to get the exaggerated perspective and replaced the dreary gray sky with something more pleasing in PhotoShop. (1/170 sec @ f/1.8, ISO 32, equivalent 13mm).

This tree root looked a lot like a mask, but what really attracted me was the sheen and bare surface whee the bark had weathered away from the roots. It seemed a shame not to amplify the “mask” idea by adding some eyes. Another version of the “Scream.” 1/100, f/2.8, ISO 40, equivalent 77mm.

I liked the sky and the sentinel trees standing leafless but upright watching over the mill. 1/1050, f/8, ISO 32, equivalent 13mm.

Andrea Popick:

Bob Kovach:

This was an iPhone shot in the basement of the building next to the mill. To highlight the anvil, in post processing I selected everything except the anvil and reduced exposure, texture and clarity. Also converted to black & white.

The wood gears in the mill show the creativity of the builder in constructing the mill without access to iron or steel equipment. iPhone photo.

For this photo I placed my iPhone on the floor to capture an unusual image of the mill machinery.

Debbie Pugh:

Inside the mill panorama. iPhone.

McCormick Farm panorama. iPhone.

Leaf overlay. iPhone

Jeff Bartley:

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